

We must modernize our infrastructure and create millions of new jobs that will put people back to work and help the economy,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders.
The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and Rail Roads.

City Mayors say -A 100nyear-old steam pipe burst in New York City, killing one person and creating havoc in midtown Manhattan. New Orleans is still struggling to rebuild after levees failed during Hurricane Katrina two years ago. The 2003 failure of the Silver Lake Dam in Michigan caused over US $100 million in damage.

Many bridges, sewers, wastewater facilities, and other infrastructure in the US were built during the great suburban expansion of the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. They were not built to last longer than 50 years, and are now approaching the end of their life spans.

Even though Americans depend on this infrastructure to go about their daily lives in safety, US mayors are relatively quiet on the need to revitalize the nation’s roads, bridges, sewers, dams, and water treatment plants.

Mayoral Responses
A few local leaders, such as Mayor Graham Richard of Fort Wayne, Indiana (pop. 206,000) and Supervisor Mary Ellen Heyman of Irondequoit, New York (pop. 52,000) have announced ambitious and expensive plans to modernize their cities’ infrastructure. “A competitive community simply cannot have sewers backing-up into basements and streets flooding every time it rains,” Supervisor Heyman explained to her constituents when requesting approval to issue a multi-million dollar bond to fund critical improvements.

A small group of US mayors, including Mayor Don Wesely of Lincoln, Nebraska (pop. 226,000) and Mayor John Hickenlooper of Denver, Colorado (pop. 555,000), have commissioned infrastructure studies. A recently completed study in San Jose, California (pop. 895,000), initiated by Mayor Chuck Reed, found that city’s backlog of infrastructure maintenance exceeds $900 million, but didn’t identify where the money will come from to pay for eventual repairs. Other mayors have resisted calls for studies of their cities’ infrastructure. “We don’t need a study,” said New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in reaction to a proposal by civic activists. “We need funding.”

Roads, sewers, and other infrastructure in the US are owned and maintained by federal, state, or local governments. In 2006, these levels of government spent a total of US $112 billion to build and repair infrastructure – a lot of money, but not enough in a nation that leads the world in sprawling, low-density, automobile-oriented development.

Many of the roads in the US are funded through a tax on gasoline. With the price of gasoline at record levels, few Americans would support an increase in the gas tax. Americans have become increasingly tax-averse over the past 25 years. When former President Ronald Reagan declared that “government is the problem” and “we have to starve the beast,” he helped popularize an ideology that explains why Americans have built more bridges, roads, and sewers than they can afford to maintain, why they continue to do so, and why so few American mayors are willing to do more than pay lip service to the problem of deteriorating infrastructure.

It’s also politically difficult for many mayors to make a case for more funding for a problem that isn’t readily apparent. When Americans are told that there are tens of thousands of bridges in poor condition, they ask themselves just how bad the conditions can be since they haven’t heard of many collapses recently. The occasional catastrophic failure is dismissed as a fluke. They assume that as long as their bridge looks safe, it’s someone else’s problem.

As a result of the financial and political issues, whenever there is a sensational collapse like the Minneapolis bridge, Americans and their leaders all say that it’s time to address the problem of aging infrastructure, but little seems to happen.

In 1987, for example, the New York State Thruway, a major interstate highway, was partially closed to traffic for months because of a bridge collapse, which killed 10 people. The disaster prompted numerous studies and one small bond issue, but is now largely forgotten.

Future Change
A significant portion of America’s infrastructure is at the age where years of accumulated wear and tear are a concern. But will it become an election issue? Over the next two years, Americans will elect a new President, Congress, state Governors and Legislatures, and many mayors. It will take considerable commitment, bipartisan cooperation, cash – and, perhaps most important, courage — to renew America’s infrastructure.

It will be interesting to see if the candidates for public office begin to take responsibility for genuinely solving this problem, or if they continue to delay and propose inadequate measures — and leave a bigger problem for America’s children.

As Bernie Sanders Congressman, I will support any initiative for Sustaianble Communities. Living near Camden NJ, it looks like London during the blitz. We must really develop a new world of sustaianble infrastructure. The quality of life should be part of a guarentee fpr all citizens.

One thought on “Infrastructure

  1. Sanders sounds an awful lot like a Tea Party member. For those who hair bristles at the mention of Tea Party, let me say that there exists TWO versions and the first one, the fiscal and practical one, was invaded by the hard core radical right religionists who see conservative religious principles as their priority. THAT one is not the one I refer to.

    Serious people who actually understand how the economy is supposed to work, know that government’s purpose is to do for the people what they can’t do by themselves. Obama’s administration would have been successful if he had put those billions into sewer plants, bridges and crumbling schools rather than feathering his big money supporter’s nest with all those “ready” projects that never materialized and those that were corrupt from the get go. Some president he turned out to be. He is no different than the corrupt presidents in the Republican Party.

    I guess it is easy to recognize that people like Sanders and Ted Cruz are the outliers in the 2016 election, but their messages are a lot the same – in fiscal matters anyway. That is, we can’t trust the business as usual liars, thieves and crooks that infest both political parties.

    As a fiscally conservative, religiously moderate, Tea Party sensitive, former hard core Republican, I know that something has to change. Is Bernie the guy to make it happen? I doubt he will get the nomination but if I was a Democrat and he managed somehow to get the nomination, he would be my guy. But (I am not a socialist) I have to think someone who is willing to challenge the status quo and call out the drunks and liars of his own party, makes Ted Cruz my guy.

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